Cybille St. Aude, author of Elsie

Meet Cybille St. Aude, former chef, creative mind and author of our Haiti series title Elsie.We found her candor and sense of humor delightfully refreshing.
OMB: Describe your creative process.
Cybille: My creative process varies from project to project. There’s a bunch of concepts that I’d like to push and dedicate my time to but I really need to be the right mood. I will always be able to write, but for certain concepts and characters I have to feel a particular way, in the right vibe. Usually when I think of a concept I immediately map it out because I need to know where I want the piece to go before I can begin to put it together. But then sometimes I get the urge to write until I complete a project. I guess you can say that I’m still trying to understand my creative process. For now I do what feels right, but I assume (I hope) that one day I’ll be able to create a formula that works and maximizes my potential as a writer. Regardless of how I create though, there’s always music and unhealthy amounts of coffee involved!
OMB: When did you realize that you wanted to write for a living?
Cybille: Well, I started writing as a teenager, but it was never anything that I wanted to share with others because I simply didn’t think it was good enough. Then one day, one of my siblings that found my writing, read and actually enjoyed it! My family is very…honest, so once I got the green light from them, I realized that I could maybe do something more with my passion then just keep it to myself.
OMB: If you weren’t a writer, what other career would you pursue?
Cybille: I really enjoy cooking and in the beginning of 2012 I actually left my job as a Sous Chef for a corporate restaurant to pursue other passions, so I’d definitely go back into the culinary industry. But the sky’s the limit and I see no reason why I couldn’t aspire to do both!
OMB: Who inspires you the most? Why?
Cybille: My mother inspires me the most, without a doubt. She’s just so strong, emotionally and mentally. She’s selfless in everything that she does for her family and sometimes for strangers too, and that’s absolutely amazing.
Meet Cybille and other One Moore Book collaborators (including Edwidge Danticat) tomorrow, January 26th, at our Haiti Series Launch. Tickets are available at We hope to see you there!